October 18th

October 18th

  1. I believe that I am working well with Gee concepts in the way that I am able to take quotes from Gee’s writing and integrate it into my writing, so that they are able to back up the information that I am talking about.  For example, I was able to use this quote “What we say, do, and are in using language enacts practices. At the same time, what we say, do, and are would have no meaning unless these practices already existed…language and practices ‘boot strap’ each other into existence in a reciprocal process through time. We cannot have one without the other” (Gee 33), to show how Gee talks about three of the seven shared parts in a Discourse. In this quote, Gee goes more into detail about saying, doing, and believing.
  2. In my essay I talked about how Shelly taught Eliza to be a better student by giving her tips on how to write things in a certain way. This made Eliza a better writing and helped her in her journey to becoming a biology major. I was not able to do a good job at explaining how specifically a science discourse works.
  3. The paragraph that I used was”I believe that the IMRAD format is a great thing for science especially in today’s world. IF there were no such thing as an IMRAD statement then papers written by scientists would be a lot harder to read. Since there is a system that almost every scientist follows,. it allows for scientists to be able to skim quickly through papers so that they can gain as much information as possible in as little time. When readers are able to go to the exact section that they are able to put more info into their own paper. When I was looking through the words of Gee and Cuddy, I looked at how they showed the meaning of Discourse and how they talked about different discourse, the way they both talk about scientific discourse was very different. Gee talks about all these tasks. A quote that he uses is “What we say, do, and are in using language enacts practices. At the same time, what we say, do, and are would have no meaning unless these practices already existed…language and practices ‘boot strap’ each other into existence in a reciprocal process through time. We cannot have one without the other” (Gee 33). In this quote Gee talks about three words in a different way those words are believing, saying and doing. Discourses are when you have study and learned something to the point where you are comfortable being it, doing it, or making other people believe that you are it. When you look for examples of types of discourses you can look at relationships for example “Shelly became quite important to Eliza, making up a full 10% of the mentions of human agents in the interviews from Eliza’s senior year” (Haas 77). This quote you can see the relationship that is shown between Eliza and Shelly. This discourse is one of many discourses that are talked about in Gee’s Writing. By looking at Gee’s work you can see the connection between Gee’s writing and the work of P. K. R. Nair and V. D. Nair on the IMRAD. We can look at the use of language in his writing:  “We use language to build things in the world, to engage in world building, and to keep the social world going…Saying something makes it so, as long as one has said it in the right circumstances” (Gee, 31) When speaking to someone you can show authority or show many different feelings just by the way something is said. When showing more direct contact when speaking you can show a more interest in talking to that certain person. In the right place and time you can use certain language tone to show how you feel about something. In Nair and Nair’s writing on the IMRAD they show the use of certain language: “Authors therefore tend to “please” the authorities by indulging in pedantic discussion and conclusions that do not emanate logically nor are substantiated by the results presented.” In this writing Nair uses a universal scientific language. It can be seen in this quote by how direct it is. The writer wants the reader to pay attention to every little detail in the writing.” This paragraph lacked good quotes so even know I did have some good quotes in there, they were not very well explained. Also there is only three quotes in this paragraph, where I would like to have at least 5 to help explain what scientific discourse is and how it relates to Gee/Nair and Nair.
  4. Any Discourse, especially Scientific Discourse, is a complex and time consuming tool to develop correctly. Scientific Discourse takes a lot of time to be able to understand. In Gee and Haas’ readings they to a good job of showing that it is possible for the IMRAD format to be achieved.

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